Home Loans

For over 89 years Evergreen Federal Bank has been helping people in Southern Oregon buy, build, and refinance their homes. It is our desire that you feel AT HOME in Southern Oregon. Our in-house servicing keeps your loan local. You can access your account while visiting your nearest branch or log onto Evergreen Online Banking, either way, you can receive answers to your questions quickly. 

Home Loans Feature:

  • FREE pre-qualification
  • Fixed and variable rate options
  • No application fee
  • Monthly payments can be automatically made through your checking or savings account
  • Account can be accessed through Evergreen’s Online Banking website
  • No pre-payment penalties
  • Owner Occupied or non-owner occupied
  • Loans serviced in-house

To speak with a loan officer call us at 541-479-3351 or 1-800-275-6148

Our officers are experts at answering your questions and helping you with the loan that is best for you.

To check rates and apply online, visit our Mortgage Center:

Mortgage Center Check Rates Apply Online 

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As a MUTUAL BANK, we exist to serve you locally and reinvest in our community.

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